
Digital Game: Police and Thief

Police and Thief is a single player game. 
It focuses on the player’s speed, agility, precision and decision making 
when collecting items and avoiding the enemy as well as going through the map.

Contribution: All artworks designed, drawn and edited by Elliyana

Game Design Document:  

Digital Game: Cargo Flux 

Sort the cargos to their designated areas by changing the flow of the conveyor belts within a certain limit of time and within 3 lives to proceed to further levels of difficulty and the more cargos that you sort, the more points you get!


Contribution: All artworks designed, drawn and edited by Elliyana

Game Design Document:  
Game Download:  

Digital Game: Gravity Rush

Gravity Rush is a single player game, 
focusing on the player’s ability to avoid the obstacles and controlling the position of the player in order to keep going through the game. 
This is a high score game so that players are only given 3 lives. 
After 3 lives, the game will be over and players will have to check if they have broken their own high score.

Contribution: All artworks designed, drawn and edited by Elliyana

Game Design Document:  
Game Download:  

  Digital Game: NoWayUp 

No Way Up is a single player game that the player can only move in three directions instead of the normal four directions. 
The player can only move Down, Left and Right. 
Therefore every movement that the player makes is very important.

Contribution: All artworks designed, drawn and edited by Elliyana

Game Design Document:  
Game Download:  


  Digital Game: Rescue Rapunzel 

Player is given the role of Prince Charming who’s on the quest of saving Princess Rapunzel. In this game, the player is required to control the character by moving left and right within the map to avoid monsters while collecting coins. Player is able to buy the weapon, helper or items by killing monster and earning points. The items can be bought from the Shop. 
In order to fight the Witch, player has to get the Knight Sword (Long Sword) to defeat the Witch at the end of the game. The Helper character helps to fight the witch. However, player is required to gain 200 metres/steps in distance. Player is also able to purchase ladder and shampoo. These 2 items helps the player to reach the top of the tower and save Rapunzel. 

 Contribution: All artworks designed, drawn and edited by Elliyana 

Game Design Document:  
Game Download:  



Above is an interface of our board game known as Railway Magnate.

(The information below is a part of the Game Design Document for the game above. )

Content: Railway Magnate was created and established from a group of young-minded teenagers from Republic Polytechnic. Pursuing our diploma in Game Design, we have came up with this board game as our idea and thus, the creation of Railway Magnate. 

Target group: 13-25 years old. 

Game Rules
·         The game is on a turn-based system
·         Each turn has 3 phases: the Draw Phase, the Main Phase, and the Discard Phase

Draw Phase
This signals the start of the turn. The player draws 2 cards from the deck.

Main Phase
This phase is where the player does his/her actions. Each player has 3 Action Points (AP) to spend during his/her turn. Once a player has 0 AP left, the Main Phase immediately ends.
- Each card played from the hand uses 1 AP.
- Each horizontal/vertical movement of the player token uses 1 AP.
- Each diagonal movement of the player token uses 2 AP.
- Players can do a combination of card-playing and movement, as long as the total AP usage does not exceed 3.
- Players do not need to use any APs for the turn.

  • ·        
  • Players cannot play cards OUTSIDE of their turns
  • ·         Players have to build a station FIRST before they can move onto it; if an empty plot of land separates the player token from a station, the player CANNOT jump over the empty plot
  • ·         If a station is destroyed and the player token is on it, the player token is moved back to START
  • ·         There is NO change given in the game; if a player is required to pay $3M but the player only has a $5 million card, he/she HAS to use the card to pay
  • ·         If a player token is at either station M, N, O or P, the player needs to have at least $10 million in his hand before he can make the move to the line
  • ·         Once the player has $10 million in his hand, he will move the player token to the finish line and pay his $10 million; the 3 AP restriction does not activate in this situation
  • ·         Moving to the finish line requires 1 AP

Discard Phase
This phase signifies the ending of the turn. The player checks to see if he/she has more than 7 cards in hand. If he/she does, he/she discards down to 7 cards. If not, the turn ends and the other player takes his/her turn. Discarding does not incur any APs.
Players can ONLY discard excess/unwanted cards during the discard phase, and ONLY if they have more than 7 cards in their hand.

Wild Cards and its uses

Your opponent chooses a station you don't already control. You gain control of the station.
The opponent has to choose a station that he/she has built, but you have not.
If the opponent's player token is on the station that is chosen, the player token is moved back to START.
If the player has no stations built, the card is simply put into the Discard pile.

Resource Sap
Your opponent discards 2 cards from his/her hand.
If a player has only 1 card in hand, the player discards his/her hand.

Lock Out
Your opponent loses a turn.

Set Fire
Choose a line of stations (horizontal, vertical or diagonal).
For 1 turn, your opponent cannot build any stations on that line, or move to or from any stations in that line.
If a player token is on a station that is being Set Fire, the player cannot move the token out of the station until his/her next turn.

For each $4 million paid, destroy 1 station built by your opponent.
If a player token is on the station(s) that is being destroyed, the player token is moved to START.
The maximum number of stations that can be destroyed is 3 (since only $12M is achievable)

Pay $6M and choose a plot of land. If there is a station on the chosen plot of land, destroy the station.
No stations can be built on the plot of land for the remainder of the game.
If a player token is on the station that is being destroyed, the player token is move to START.

Click on the above video to watch the game play! 

Credits: Joel, Satria, Bi Yuan, Eileen and myself, Elliyana. 

Paper Prototyping: Pinball

Paper Prototyping is cheap, easy and can result in creating a good game as well! Today's class taught us how to imitate a PinBall game! 

With just ice-cream sticks, marbles and good cardboards, TA DA! OUR GAME IS DONE!

credits: Bi Yuan, Eileen, Satria, Joel and myself, Elliyana

Another Game, Another Day: Escape Island

<Escape Island> hopes to create an immersive and engaging experience for the people playing our game. We hope for our game to be challenging in many aspects, while keeping it fair and relatively easy for new players to pick it up.

We are basing our game off the digital game Canabalt, so we hope to replicate the thrill and challenge while playing the game onto our analog version (somewhat). 

It is a 2-player game where players race to the HOME in the middle while avoiding obstacles and walls by controlling a token using their own self-created robot pencil using the materials given.  The player will have a base mechanism to work with, and the player will extend the mechanism upon crossing each checkpoint.

·         The first player to reach HOME wins the game
This is reflective of the digital game, where the player actually races towards an end, although technically they will never reach the end of the game.

Game Setup
·         Lay out the game board
·         Each player takes a base robot pencil
·         Each player places a button on the starting point, and position their robot pencil on the button

Key Features
·         Players to add pencils into their robot pencil after each checkpoint – added challenge
·         4 levels of difficulty – increases as the player progresses!
·         Each level is a unique theme – makes the game more aesthetically interesting!

·         The game board is divided into 4 levels for each player:
Ø  First level – black color coded : easiest level
Ø  Second level – blue color coded : normal level
Ø  Third level – green color coded : hard level
Ø  Fourth level – red color coded : hell level

·         Each player holds a robot pencil made up of 5 base pencils, and it will be used as the controlling element
·         Each player will use the robot pencil to control a button, which will act as their token.
·         The token is placed at the start of the board, marked by a red X
·         The Game Master will count down to the start of the game
·         Upon the start of the game, players will try and control the button and move along the board, avoiding walls and obstacles on the game board
·         The end of each level will act as the checkpoint for the player; at any point after, if the player hits an obstacle or wall, the player will fall back to the last checkpoint crossed
·         Upon reaching a checkpoint, the player has to add a pencil onto their mechanism any way they choose to, at either end of the robot pencil
      Credits: Bi Yuan, Joel, Satria, Eileen and myself, Elliyana